Upcycled Gi Bags
In our first production run of gis, we made some gi jackets with sleeves that were way too long. We consulted with our team of expert sewists in Houston, Texas and through our experience working together with them making up-cycled gi bags with our sibling company NU/FX, we decided to embark on Gaidama's first up cycling effort to repurpose these imperfectly fitted Perfect Fit Gi jackets into classy, cool, durable, functional bags for Jiu Jitsu lovers.
Carefully hand made in the USA, each bag features a shell made from the same custom 400 gsm pearl weave we engineered for strength and resiliency for our Gaidama x Antoinette Wysocki Perfect Fit Gis. Each bag style features a lined interior and creative applications of bits and pieces taken from all over the gi jacket and pants.
The original gis are destructed and rebuilt into these beautiful, functional masterpieces by expert hands in Houston, Texas. We partner with a non-profit company in HTX which focuses on uplifting and revitalizing their local community. One of their industrial initiatives is to train local refugee women in commercial sewing and pay them living wages for their work, offer them flexible hours, and provide a safe and welcoming workspace for them and their children, whom many often bring to work. The result is an incredible Made in America gi bag with a socially impactful punch.