Gaidama's men's BJJ gi sizes are unlike any other brand on the market so please check your measurements against our size chart carefully.

You may "fit" into multiple men's gi sizes based on your height and weight. This is normal. If you have any questions about our men's gi sizing, please email us for support.

Choose your Gaidama men's gi jacket and pants sizes separately to achieve the perfect fit for any body type.

In general, the numeric sizes increases with width and the letter sizes indicate length. The letters stand for: Short (S), Regular (R), Long (L), and Extra Long (XL). Length is given in inches and weight is given in pounds.

 Men's Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants Sizes 

Size Height Weight
M00R 62 - 65 120 - 140
M0S 62 - 65 140 - 160
M0R 65 - 67 140 - 160
M0L 67 - 70 140 - 160
M1S 65 - 67 155 - 175
M1R 67 - 70 155 - 175
M1L 70 - 74 155 - 175
M2S 65 - 67 170 - 195
M2R 67 - 70 170 - 195
M2L 70 - 74 170 - 195
M2XL 73 - 76 170 - 195
M3R 67 - 70 190 - 255
M3L 70 - 74 190 - 255
M3XL 73 - 76 190 - 255
M4R 67 - 70 220 - 250
M4L 70 - 74 220 - 250
M4XL 73 - 76 220 - 250
M5L 70 - 74 245 - 280
M5XL 73 - 76 245 - 280


Men's Jiu Jitsu Gi Jacket Sizes  

Size Height Weight
M00R 62 - 65 120 - 140
M0R 62 - 65 140 - 160
M1R 64 - 67 155 - 175
M1L 67 - 70 155 - 175
M2R 67 - 70 170 - 195
M2L 70 - 74 170 - 195
M3R 68 - 71 190 - 255
M3L 71 - 76 190 - 255
M4R 70 - 74 220 - 250
M4L 73 - 76 220 - 250
M5L 73 - 76 245 - 280